So there I was, all ready to write my gentle viewers a nice blog about my long, tiring but rewarding summer job being over and my stressful search for a new job and new life, not to mention all of the stress and sadness of the decline in health of my grandmother, when like Michael Corleone said best, "they pull me back in!"
I'm in Angleton on Wednesday, packing my bags to head back to Austin to begin the job search again and to have some distance from the Angleton homestead, when I get a call from the illustrious iD Tech, telling me that they lost a counselor "literally, at lunch." And they want to know if I will fly to Conencticut TONIGHT! Geez louize! So after thinking about it for a bit, I decided that I would indeed do it. I hopped on a 7pm flight and FINALLY ended up in the not so big CT around 1:30am, after arriving in NYC at 11:30 and having the regional manager pick me up from the airport and drive me. But she was really nice, so it was cool.
But what is so sad as well is missing the departure of my dear friend Matt, who is going to Russian next Saturday for the semester! I'm going to miss him so much and I don't even get to see him off! ARGH!! Take care dear sweet matthew, I love ya much.
So here I am now. In CT at Sacred Heart University. Away from my pretty gal. Teaching a class that I haven't taught all summer and that by all sense I shold be able to do because I got a freakin' degree in film, but it's a bit tougher than one might think. And most camps run only 7 weeks. I am now in my NINTH week of teaching and counseling. I am burnt out to the max. It's too much. I mean, I'll do it, it's a paycheck and all that, but I just feel stretched thin. Too much of my time dedicated to kids and not my own life. It would have been better if I was a commuter, not being here all the time.
But the really AWESOME thing about being here in New England is getting to see my old buddy Stephen Sutton!

I haven't seen him since like beginning of January, so it was great to spend time with him and his girlfriend. We watched cartoons, played video games until the wee hours, went to bars and even saw a shakespeare play where there were turkeys roaming around out front!

I'd call that a pretty good weekend in all! I just wish I wasn't up here so long. I need to get on with finding a job and getting place and setting up a life and all of that jazz! I thought I was done with camp, trying to move on and all that! Argh! We'll see how all of that develops in the next few weeks. Pray for Mojo.
P.S. Miss you Kim!