Sorry Gentle Viewers, I went and told you I was going to update more often and then I didn't. Sorry. Things have been busy. Here's some of the highlights:
* Finished our script! Hooray! Now we wait for magic to happen...
* Saw Of Montreal in concert!- They were a blast in concert, as always, super-fun-happy dance time! Highlights were "Rapture Rapes The Muses" and "Oslo In The Summertime." For video clips from the show, see
Kim's blog.
* Woodland Park Zoo day!- We spent last Sunday at the zoo and had such a blast! I hadn't been to the zoo in years and it was really great to see all the animals again. This day was special because the animals were getting Valentine's Day treats! So we watched them get fed
Blood-Sicles in the shape of a heart (there were meat chunks in there too). Or, in the lemur and red panda's case, a wicker heart covered in fruit. Here's some pics:
I finally got to see those damned elusive (but extremely cute) otters!
Kim feeds a bird in the aviary. For LeAnne, it would be a nightmare!
Everybody loves Penguins. They are the new monkey, after all.
Look at these cute fellas! They were a highlight of the trip!
Red Ruffed Lemurs love blood oranges. =)
Anybody who says we're not related to these guys is full of it. They were like weird, shriveled people.
Red Panda is the Asian raccoon. Cute as hell too.
The strangest animal in the zoo...