It seems like I never find the time for this thing. It's unfortunate, but true. Well, that or things are particularly boring or crappy and don't feel like whining or putting you to sleep. You want action, excitement, adventure, and all the things leave you on the edge of your computer chair, moments from swallowing a bit too much coffee and choking on hard truths and realizations.
So let's see what's been going on...
It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to My Homies...
Last month my long time friend and brother from another mother Jason left the Neverland that is Austin, TX and set off for California. I miss him a lot. Him and I had gotten quite close in the months leading up to his departure. But from what he tells me and what I've heard from others who speak to him more frequently than I, he's doing quite well, living in a small town outside of LA. He might work at Yosemite this summer, and I really hope he does, so I can live vicariously through him. I want to wander the land and have more adventure, but I've done that plenty, and now I need to get my life in some semblance of order. Or at least that's what society tells me. :::sigh:::
But before this great guy left, we had a party, and here's a few snapshots from the shindig:
Surprise visit from Chrissie & David!
We haven't seen these guys in a long time!
Matt and Blunck share a beer and a moment
But before this great guy left, we had a party, and here's a few snapshots from the shindig:
We haven't seen these guys in a long time!
So I had a girlfriend for a few months, as you could have at least guessed from my blog. Eventually the differences between us became too much and we just drifted apart. When the intensity and passion is gone, there's no sense in forcing it. She was a great gal and I miss her, but had to do what was right for both of us.
So for the past few months I worked at the Waterloo store in the airp0rt. It was humbling in many ways, but I did get to watch music DVDs all day. But my mind and my bank account screamed out for the something better, something more. So I started job hunting, went to plenty of interviews (some good, some terrible). But I can happily say I've now landed a great new job.
I work in an office, but also with kids. It's a very busy, hectic, and maddening, but I really feel like I'm doing something good, helping kids. I also love that I do a million different things a day. I may complain in the moment, but in the long run it keeps me busy and interested for longer because I don't have time to space out and long for something to stimulate me. Everyone I work with seems really nice. My boss is very serious and demanding sometimes but it's manageable.
The greatest thing about is all of the funny moments I have with the kids on a daily basis. They crack me up, amaze me, and baffle me, all at the same time. Here's some of the highlights:
* When ordering art supplies I noticed paints called "People Colors!" I cracked up at this. I mean, back in the day people were brown or apricot, that was it. Now there are race oriented paints. What will this modern politically correct world think of next?
* I'm observing a room of infants around 12 months old. I sit down, they take one look at me and all burst into tears. Intense stranger anxiety at this age the teacher tells me....
* A girl runs around the playground comes up to me and says, "I'm going on vacation. I'm gonna fight a big poo!" She then runs away. I shoot a questioning look over to one of teachers and he tells me, "yeah, they're pretty obsessed with bodily functions at this age."
* Another girl runs around the classroom, finger out announcing, "look! look! BM! BM!" The teacher looks at her and says, "where did you..." and then pulls open her pants and says, "you stuck your hand down your diaper, didn't you?!"
* I relieve a teacher for a bathroom break and she hands me a book. "Here, I was reading them a story, finish it up." The kids immediately crowd around me on the floor, and one even crawls into my lap to hear the story. (I know, AWWWWW!)
I'll try to post more often, at least to share some funny anecdotes about the kids.
Inching Towards Success
So Marshall and I have been writing screenplays for a while now, and for quite some time we've been in talks with some people about our latest script since they say it has a lot of potential. Nothing solid yet in terms of deals or funding or anything like that, but I do feel closer than ever to my film career taking off, and our film contacts promise to introduce us to "industry people" at SxSW, so it will be a key time for me to schmooze. Maybe I should get business cards?