Just when the blog world thought I fell off the earth into obscurity or real life pursuance, here I am, ready to give my Gentle Viewers another peek into the controlled cyclone that is my life.
Well, since I last spoke, a lot has changed. The biggest is that I’m now a resident of Seattle, Washington. Got an apartment up on Capitol Hill, a pretty hip area with coffee shops, grocery stores, and concert venues all within walking distance. It’s a nice place to be if you don’t have a car. Downtown’s even a brisk walk downhill and no problem. Even have a pretty sweet view of Queen Anne and the sunset when it happens. So all of that is great.
That aside though, things have been tough in the job dept. I’ve been searching for a while, trying to find something not only that I could enjoy, but make money at. I’m tired of crap jobs, and unless it comes to the absolute worst I don’t want to do it again. I did an after school thing when I first got here, but it sucked a lot. I worked only 3 hours a day, and commuted an hour each way, so it just wasn’t’ worth it. So I quit. Been trying the temp agencies too, offering me various things when they’re not busy giving me tons of typing tests and other menial quizzes like, “can you delete icons from the Windows desktop?” Uh, yeah, I think I can handle that. Oh, after all of that testing you still don’t have anything available or if you do it isn’t until a month or two from now? Oh, thanks for your help. Even worked a day at a T-M0bile event. It was really stupid and pompous. There was giant ice block carved with their logo and new campaign name that they poured punch through and such pretentious fluff items as a chocolate fountain and a DJ. For what? Just to pump up the people working in their call center. My role in this shenanigan? Folding and handing out shirts. But for $11/hr, sure, whatever. Better than not making money…
Last Sunday was really awesome. Kim and I got up really early and went to Nanette’s house and Kim cooked this awesome big breakfast. There’s something sacred and all-important to the point of almost ritual when it comes to breakfast. No other meal ever fills quite as fulfilling. I mean, there’s bacon involved, how could you go wrong?! After that, we went to Redmond and to a PUMPKIN PATCH!! We wandered around for about an hour sifting through pumpkins and picking ones we’d like to take home. It’s so much more rewarding than walking up to a grocery store and grabbing one from out front.
Even Thom got in on the action….

Representing for Texas too!

Once we got back, we began carving pumpkins and watching Night of the Living Dead. Nannette made a delicious apple pie and pumpkin soup. I had never had pumpkin soup, but it was delicious and curry-based, so with a good piece of bread for dipping (is that a Southern thang?) It was quite filling…well, with room for pie of course.

One thing I thought about while I was watching the movie. In many ways, this movie is an advancement for African Americans. The main character is one, and he is obviously the most clever person in the movie, and survives…well until the coming of the ignorant white folks…what do you guys think? I think it’s a positive image, but don’t really know how it was taken at the time, or whether that aspect was discussed (I’m sure it was).

But this is just an example of one awesome day. This weekend we might even go to the San Juan Islands! I’ve heard such good things about it with whales and whatnot, even if they’ve probably already gone by this time of year, sadly…
HOLD ON! What about your job crap Jarad? It seemed somewhat unresolved a few paragraphs back you scatterbrain! Tell me about the fucking golf shoes!
Ok, so right now I’m in the process of being hired for a pretty sweet Americ0rps job. The pay wouldn’t be great, but it would be an awesome opportunity. It would be doing events and such with a local center for at-risk/homeless kids. I would be heading up a film club/dept. where I would teach them how to make films and such. Getting the arts in the hands of those less fortunate. That would be such an enriching opportunity, and I’d have a job that involved film, so hey, I would be very happy with that.
FUCK. Blog FLASH UPDATE. Right as I was writing this, I was called and informed that when my name was input into the computer for some survey the corporate side of things, I was in the “control group” which means I’m not eligible for the job. They can’t hire me, even though they really wanted to. I’m so fucking pissed. Not because of qualifications, but just randomly I’m shut down. FUCK THIS. FUCK AMERICORPS. I hope they read this. See what fucktards they are. That they could have had a person make a good, positive difference in the community and instead he’s kicked to the curb because of some 1’s and 0’s on a computer. Need any more evidence technology is used for evil purposes? I’m fuming.

Fortunate for my ass, like the cocoa powder Mexican chefs put in spicy foods to dull the burn, the guy from UW Temp calls and offers me an office job for the next 2 weeks. Pay’s decent and it’s something to keep me busy until my fall-back temp job kicks in—call center bullshit for Starfucks coffee. Whatever. I guess I wasn’t destined to work for the betterment of mankind and humanity, but instead to be a corporate tool. For now anyway…

The job chase is like waiting for the Great Pumpkin. You do everything you can to wait, to know your subject, but in reality he’s never going to come. You just end up looking like a fool. But I guess that’s really negative. Maybe he will show up. Someday.
I gotta go, I’m too scatterbrained and raging to blog anymore, but hey, I’m back.

hey broseph, did you hear that the mars volta might already have a different drummer? not kicked out this time, rumors have it that he left on his own accord. which sucks if it's true because i really liked blake. i just realized who he reminds me of, too. he looks kind of like james, your boss from the computer store. ha! i'm sitting on the west mall and james walked by and it suddenly hit me and i had to write you. but yeah, it's a shame if he left but apparently the guy who is either replacing him or filling in for awhile (both stories have been circulated) kicks serious ass and some even say he is better than jon (blasphemy!).
Starbucks really is a pretty damned good place to work, for what it is. You do realize that you are in its incubation chamber, yes?
Glad to know you're settling in, and sorry to hear about job troubles. Any chance you can find a job that will let you use your degree?
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