I FINALLY beat The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap tonight!
Not that it's a hard game or anything, but I refused for a long time to beat it until I had found absolutely everything in the game. Unfortunately, this was frustrating, and I put it away for a long time. There was one Kinstone piece that I couldn't find the match-up, and I think it was the king from way earlier in the game, before I knew how to do this stuff. So I couldn't do that, and I didn't have the patience to keep finding shells, pulling the handle and hoping for a new figurine to complete my set.
So I gave up trying, and just went to the castle and beat it. Fun stuff! I would say this is easily the best Zelda game on a handheld system. Well, only if you don't count the port they did of Link To The Past, the Super Nintendo game that was by far the best of the series. So this one was great because it introduced new items and gameplay concepts, had a good sense of humor, and was just plain fun. Maybe I'll try to convince LeAnne or somebody to play it, so that the only who isn't scratching their head when I talk about all of this is Chris Mikesell.
Now the wait is on for The Phantom Hour Glass, which looks to be incredible.

Last Friday I bought Sonic Rush, because I had heard/read good things about it, plus I have historically been a fan of the Sonic series, and hadn't picked one up in a long time, so I figured it was about time I did.
Unfortunately, it's not really what I was looking for. Either the charm of the classic Sonic formula has worn off, or I'm just really bad at it now, because the game is terribly frustrating. Don't get me wrong, the usage of both screens for the maps is really awesome, and easily the coolest thing about the game, but I dunno...something just didn't click for me. I kept dying at seemingly random spots or in cheap ways, and would stare at the GAME OVER screen in disbelief going, "Really?!" So either I've outgrown Sonic or Sonic has outgrown me. Which makes me really sad. I mean, Sonic 2 was one of my favorite games ever (funny about the twos, cuz Mega Man 2 is THE best).
So I think I'm going to take EB up on it's 'exchange in seven days if you don't like it' policy and get a different game. I want something fun and interactive, that makes use of the DS's touch screen and mic and stuff. So I think I might get this game:

Okay, I know it looks kiddie as all hell, but I hear the mini-games and micro-games beat the pants off anything on Wario Ware, and I really dig Wario Ware. The multiplayer sounds really cool and versatile, and of course, I'm a sucker for anything Final Fantasy. So I'll let you know what I think, Gentle Viewers.
I'll leave you with my next goal of game winning: Final Fantasy I for GBA. I got to the end and thought about doing all the extra dungeons and decided against it. Like the guys on 1up said, this game can feel grueling and like a "tour of duty" so I'm just going to get it out of the way and beat it. Afterall, that cute little chocobo needs my attention. Not to mention I'm still working on games in New Super Mario Bros., Yoshi's Island DS, and Final Fantasy VI: Advance.

Oh, and I'm trying to start work on the next screen play, and give my girlfriend all the love and attention she deserves. =) So my plate is quite full...
Until next time.
i can't help it. i'm high maintenance.
I really wanna get Yoshi's Island DS. That's my yardstick I use to make sure I am staying within my budget. If I own Yoshi's Island DS, then that means sometime soon, I'll be going over budget.
I can't wait to have money and play games again.
You're such a nerd.
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