Welcome Back Gentle Viewers!
I have returned from my weekend adventure in Seattle! Well, not exactly weekend, since we left on Sunday and returned Monday afternoon, but it felt like the weekend nonetheless. And what a time we had!
We cruised up Highway 5 Sunday morning, and eventually turned off onto some smaller roads, passing through quaint little towns on our way to the impressively looming Mt. Rainier, our first destination for the day.
Never before have I seen a more beautiful mountain! Within the first few miles of entering the park you notice the road is lined with snow. LOTS of dirty snow. The higher up you wind through this magnificent park, the higher the piles of snow go, soon towering above you on both sides, hiding street signs and trunks of trees.

At the first scenic stop on the way up we ran around in the snow. Well, more like carefully walked I guess, because at different points the snow was unstable and one could sink in up his kneecap! But it was really fun and surreal to stomp around in snow when it feels so much like spring/summer.

We also had lunch there, eating sandwiches outside, admiring the snowcapped mountain and gorgeous surroundings.

But soon we had to say goodbye to the mighty mountain, for Seattle still lay a good hour ahead of us, and we had to be there to make it to the Ryan Adams concert.
Next was the concert, but I’ll cover that in a separate blog, instead focusing on the Seattle trip in this one.
After the show we went to Dick’s to get some grub, then tried to find somewhere to sleep. No luck. So we slept in the car, in one of the most uncomfortable nights of sleep in my LIFE. Oh well, saved some money and gained another experience, so it’s all good.
That morning we went to the ship yard, where Kim met with a man about a job on a tugboat for Crowley. Afterwards we went for breakfast at Mecca Café where the waffle sucked, but the ambience was cool and laid back so that was enjoyable.

Plus within a block is one of the best music shop’s I’ve ever been in, East Street Records. I could have spent HOURS in there! But after that was the highlight of the morning, going to Lighthouse Coffee, getting the BEST Americano in the free world. Sat outside on the rocks in the sunshine sipping kick-ass coffee and chatting with lovely gal, when she mentions we should go to the beach real quick before we have to take off for Portland. Sure, why not?
It was over in west Seattle and reminded me of California, or if the Galveston strip had money and wasn’t creepy. The water was beautiful and cold, and the sand was warm. I really like the sand there, it’s from granite. Much cleaner feeling on the skin than the stuff back home at surfside. Plus, the view of Seattle from the Pier in west Seattle is fantastic. With this last wonderful moment on the pier, gazing, kissing, and dreaming, we set off for Portland.

Yet again, another wonderful trip to Seattle. A part of me has really fallen for this city. Probably my favorite American city next to Austin. It just has a great vibe, and kicks the shit out of Portland. I just haven’t been a fan of the place so far…
"...gazing, kissing and dreaming..."
blech. glad you had fun though.
i love gazing, kissing & dreaming w/you :)
let's never sleep in the back of a car again.
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