But on the positive side, I flew Kim to Austin for her birthday to be with me. That was great. We went kayaking and other cool stuff. DAMN I wish we took pictures, but never thought of it until after the fact. Grrr... these blog things are so much cooler when you have pics to go along with them. So take this one I guess...

Better than nothing, right? Sure...
I'm supposed to be looking for jobs in LA and such, but it's hard to find the time/will. The few free moments I have I want nothing more than to chill out in front of a movie or video game, preferably with libations of some sort. Right now I'm watching the Faith No More concert "You Fat Bastards." Oh, long haired Mike Patton, you're silly. I prefer him with short hair and a sleeze stash, fits his persona more. See:

Speaking of Mike Patton, the Peeping Tom album is fucking rad. It's one of my top albums of the summer and it's in heavy rotation. Every track grabs my ear. It's so good to hear Mike Patton actually singing melodies and such again. I like Fantomas as much as the next guy, but he's got such a nice voice and never really uses it. The standout tracks are "Mojo" and "Your Neighborhood Spaceman." Listen to it, trust me. Instant pimp juice and the likes.

The other "feel good album of the summer" is without a doubt Gnarls Barkley's St. Elsewhere album. I know there are those such as Chris Mikesell that don't like it, but it's so much fun. Some sort of mix of hip hop beats and neo-soul. It's an ass-shaking album, and those don't have to be profound or anything, just something great to jig around to. The single "Crazy" is of course infectious but boderline played-out already, but "Smiley Face" and "Transformer" are quite rad, and worth a listen/download. This album is an instant dance party. Pick it up and let the groove begin!

Having to watch over kids limits your music listening time. I wish I had more of that. These are the only two albums I've really even had the chance to focus on and really appreciate. Well, that and tons of Ryan Adams as always...
But if you have some cool new music to recommend to me, just leave me a comment about it, and I'll try to check it out.
Hopefully next time I can yak about something other than camp and my busy work schedule.

Until then Gentle Viewers.
i don't think "the next guy" likes Fantomas.
LoL at Leanne's comment :)
Yes I wish we'd taken more pictures too. I've learned from that and am taking more pictures here in MI.
Yeah, I'm typing this from her brand new macbook. it's sweet. (the coffeeshops here aren't that great though - here's to Austin! for their great cafes)
guess who has amputechture, bitch. that's right. it leaked today. i won't say much about it seeing as how i haven't had a chance to listen to it enough to have a fully formed opinion of it, plus i figured i should let your first listen be untainted by outside opinion.
i will say this however, regarding day of the baphomets (track 7): shit, man. shit. juan and jon tear it UP in that song. so does adrian, for that matter. not to mention, omar and adrian have a guitar/sax duel in the middle of the song. and it kicks so much ass. and there's some sort of percussive solo toward the end that has me pounding air drums like no one's business. i can see why playing this album would make jon physically ill. anyway, greatness. i'll try to get it to you soon, if you haven't already snagged the leak.
i fucking love Fantomas.
jarad & mark should open a record store.
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